Pastoral Care & Spirituality

Our Mission - That others may know God’s love through us


Call the church office to notify us if you need pastoral care or would like to be involved in the ministry of Pastoral Care.  Hospitals and other care facilities DO NOT notify churches when parishioners are admitted.

The Bible and Book Study

A Midweek Bible study os offered inperson and on Zoom. Dates for study are on the church calendar or call the church office 973-235-177.

Offer a Ride

Some of our parishioners would appreciate a ride to church on Sundays and to special church events. With enough volunteer drivers, the ride would be one-way, and not every week. Rides are arranged in advance according to your schedule.

Flower Delivery

A long-time tradition of Grace Church is to deliver the Sunday Altar flowers to people who are ill, homebound or  celebrating a very special event. The Flower Guild prepares the bouquets after the 10 am service for delivery that day.  Two people are assigned each Sunday to deliver a total of two or three bouquets after church. Deliveries are local and volunteers are asked to deliver once every four to six weeks.



The Memorial Garden is a peaceful place to pray and is always open.


We try to offer home-cooked meals to parishioners who are just home from the hospital or coping with the loss of a loved one. This care is a meaningful way to express our concern for them. Please leave your name at the Church Office to let us know that you can, on occasion, prepare a meal for a parishioner. Meals are coordinated in advance. You may also bring a meal and put it in the freezer for use at a later date.

Friendly Visiting

We have a number of shut-ins who would appreciate a card, phone call, or a visit just to keep in touch with the church and the neighborhood around them. It means a lot to know that your presence at church is missed. It is up to the volunteers how often they call or visit. Training provided.

Knitting for Sailors

Calling all knitters! Knitters are needed to make hats and scarves for the Seamen’s Institute located in Port Newark, New Jersey. This active port serves as a temporary home for sailors, many of whom are from more tropical climates. We have the pattern and some wool and needles to get you started. The hats and scarves are very much appreciated by the sailors!



Prayer is an important part of Christian life. It strengthens our connection with God and strengthens our community. In Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians    (1 Thess. 5:17) we are reminded that we are to “Pray without ceasing.” Take a few moments every day and offer up in prayer the people you know and even people you do not know who are in special need of God’s love and care. This link will take you to a pdf of the Book of Common Prayer, our prayer book. 


Morning & Evening Prayer

Morning and Evening Prayer is pastoral care for our own spiritual development, prayer for others, and prayer for the world. Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer is read daily at our church; Morning Prayer according to the reader’s schedule, and Evening Prayer at 5:30 pm most days of the week. You are welcome to attend any of these services. We will also train you if you would like to read it yourself.


Prayer Chain

We have a prayer chain that is now communicated by e-mail. If you would like to make a commitment to pray for people who are facing an operation, acute illness, or in need another way, please send your  e-mail address to be included in this ministry.


Prayer List

Parishioners and visitors are welcome to put names on the prayer lists. They are available in the back of the church in the “What can I do to help” notebook. Names remain on for one month. These names are read during daily prayer and at Sunday services. We especially encourage you to mention silently or aloud the names of those for whom you would like to offer up prayer during the “Prayers for the People” in Sunday worship. Those who need long term prayer will be placed on the “Long Term” prayer list. There is also a Military Prayer list to which we encourage you to place deployed or active duty soldiers. We also pray for your pets.


The Labyrinth

All are welcome to walk the Labyrinth; it is always open to the public. Walking a labyrinth is a form of meditation or prayer.  There is no single right way to follow the path. It can be used as a way to focus your thoughts on a question or concern, a way to find peace, center yourself, or get in touch with deep seeds of thoughts in your mind. Try entering the path of the labyrinth with a quiet and open mind; walk slowly, perhaps focus on a spiritual question, or repeat a prayer. When you reach the center, pause to reflect, pray, and listen for an answer or for a deeper revelation. Now begin the return journey. Pray or reflect further. Upon exiting, absorb the experience with continued reflection. Finally, give thanks for the opportunity to be in touch with and inspired by something higher than yourself.


We notify the parishioners about various Retreats and Quiet Days that take place around the Diocese or in our parish.

Mediation Resources Online

Forward Movement

Forward Movement Offers daily meditations throughout the year. Click here to subscribe click here.  Click the Forward Day by Day tab at the right. Other tabs will lead you to the Daily Office and other prayer resources. 

For Lent

Episcopal Relief and Development

Reflect on your newness in Christ as you journey through Episcopal Relief & Development's Lenten Meditations, written by Miguel Escobar, and discover new ways your faith is guiding you through the world. (Click here to subscribe).

Washington National Cathedral 

Washington National Cathedral clergy offer a meditation each day in Lent. The path from ashes to Alleluia is one that we walk together, in community. 

Click here to subscribe

United Thank Offering (UTO)

This Lent, UTO invites you to look at the ordinary things in your life and give thanks for them. Click here to subscribe. 

Support for Families of the Military

The Military Family and Friends group meets quarterly on a Sunday afternoon. This group is open to the families of active and recently returned military. Please call the church office for the date of the next meeting.


Pastoral Care for the Body and Spirit

Exercise classes are held in the Parish Hall on various evenings. Please call the office for the schedule, or see the back of the Sunday bulletin.

Useful Links 

Lectionary Page - Find the readings appointed for a given day, including Sundays.

Daily Office Readings - Find the readings appointed for Morning and Evening Prayer.


Hospice Training

Grace Church receives notices from St. Barnabas and Mountainside Hospitals for friendly visitor training. Visitors can make phone calls, visits to the person’s home, or the hospital.



“Forward Day by Day” devotional booklets, as well as other pamphlets that encourage and nourish people in their lives of prayer and faith are in the Narthex. There is no charge for the materials, but if you would like to place a donation in the wooden outreach box hanging on the wall in the narthex it would be appreciated.


EfM   (Education for Ministry) 

Through study, prayer, and reflection, EfM groups study the Bible, Theology, Church History, Ethics, Spirituality and Liturgics.   A group of at least 6 members study at a local church with an experienced mentor or priest. Participants are given weekly assignments and are responsible for setting their own learning goals. One will spend between two and four hours in study and preparation each week over four years. The program develops informed, thoughtful and knowledgeable  Christians.